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Ohne Titel (1942)

Lote n° 623

Dibujo Acuarela

Tinta, plumilla/papel/card

7 7/8 x 10 3/4 in 19,9 x 27,2 cm

Precio de remate: 18.389 € 19.000 $ 1,1438 ₿ 15,7589 ⧫ 15.997 £ 135.276 ¥ 65.865 ₪ (ILS) 201.934 KR (SEK) 18.115 CHF 25.477 $ CA (19.000 $ )
Remate con comisión : 23.170 € 23.940 $ 1,4412 ₿ 19,8563 ⧫ 20.156 £ 170.448 ¥ 82.990 ₪ (ILS) 254.437 KR (SEK) 22.825 CHF 32.102 $ CA (23.940 $ )
Estimación: 14.518 € 15.000 $ 0,903 ₿ 12,4413 ⧫ 12.629 £ 106.797 ¥ 51.999 ₪ (ILS) 159.422 KR (SEK) 14.301 CHF 20.114 $ CA - 19.357 € 20.000 $ 1,204 ₿ 16,5884 ⧫ 16.839 £ 142.396 ¥ 69.332 ₪ (ILS) 212.562 KR (SEK) 19.068 CHF 26.818 $ CA (15.000 $ - 20.000 $ )
Impressionist & Modern Works on Paper Sale
Nueva York, Estados Unidos
Monog. fecha -42 inferior izquierdo
Notas: Barnett, I, 1170
Procedencia: Nina Kandinsky, Paris (wife of the artist). Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kiam, New York (gift from the above, April 1963). Private collection, New York. Gift from the above to the present owner, 2001.