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"Kahnfahrt" (boat ride), plate 28 from the publication "Klange" printed in 1913 (c.1912)

Lote n° 1497


Grabado en madera de colores

8 3/4 x 8 3/4 in 21 x 21 cm

Precio de remate: 127 € 150 $ 0,0135 ₿ 0,4477 ⧫ 114 £ 1.046 ¥ 511 ₪ (ILS) 1.307 KR (SEK) 137 CHF 202 $ CA (150 $ )
Estimación: 254 € 300 $ 0,027 ₿ 0,8953 ⧫ 228 £ 2.092 ¥ 1.022 ₪ (ILS) 2.614 KR (SEK) 274 CHF 403 $ CA - 423 € 500 $ 0,045 ₿ 1,4922 ⧫ 380 £ 3.487 ¥ 1.704 ₪ (ILS) 4.356 KR (SEK) 456 CHF 672 $ CA (300 $ - 500 $ )
Decorative Arts, Fine Art, & Collectibles
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Monog. inferior izquierdo
Estado: Piece was in a fire, piece still in mat that has water damage on the bottom, foxing on verso and corners, back appears to have slight moisture picked up from the mat.