biografía de Lee TOWNSEND (1895-1965)

Lugar de nacimiento: Wyoming, IL

Lugar de defunción: Milford, NJ

Direcciones: Westport, CT

Profesión: Painter

Estudios: H. Dunn; AIC.

Exposiciones: Salons of Am., 1934, 1936; PAFA Ann., 1934-44 (5 times); AIC, 1935-46; Mus. Mod. Art, Wash., DC, 1937; Corcoran Gal biennials, 1937-41 (3 times); Nat'l Mus. of Racing, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1999

Comentarios: An Expressionist painter whose subjects often depict horse racing.

Fuentes: WW40; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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