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"Einige Spitzen" (1925)

Lote n° 19



27 3/4 x 19 3/4 in 70,5 x 50,2 cm

Precio de remate: 2.276.005 € 2.700.000 $ 153,1006 ₿ 5.603,1091 ⧫ 2.039.161 £ 17.702.820 ¥ 9.094.890 ₪ (ILS) 23.275.862 KR (SEK) 2.459.016 CHF 3.536.299 $ CA (2.700.000 $ )
Remate con comisión : 2.756.759 € 3.270.313 $ 185,4395 ₿ 6.786,6373 ⧫ 2.469.887 £ 21.442.134 ¥ 11.015.977 ₪ (ILS) 28.192.353 KR (SEK) 2.978.427 CHF 4.283.262 $ CA (3.270.313 $ )
Estimación: 1.264.447 € 1.500.000 $ 85,0559 ₿ 3.112,8384 ⧫ 1.132.867 £ 9.834.900 ¥ 5.052.717 ₪ (ILS) 12.931.034 KR (SEK) 1.366.120 CHF 1.964.611 $ CA - 2.107.412 € 2.500.000 $ 141,7598 ₿ 5.188,064 ⧫ 1.888.112 £ 16.391.500 ¥ 8.421.194 ₪ (ILS) 21.551.724 KR (SEK) 2.276.867 CHF 3.274.351 $ CA (1.500.000 $ - 2.500.000 $ )
Impressionist & Modern Art
Nueva York, Estados Unidos
Monog. fecha -25 inferior izquierdo
Notas: Property from the Collection of Max A. Weitzenhoffer, Jr., Oklahoma Grohmann 292; Roethel-Benjamin, II, 735
Procedencia: Galerie Ferdinand Möller, Cologne, no. G.3834. Galerie Maeght, Paris. The New Gallery, New York. Sale: Christie's London, June 24, 1966, lot 82. Arthur Tooth & Sons, London (acquired at the above sale). Acquired from the above by the present owner in 1966.
Exposiciones: New York, Galerie Chalette, Construction and Geometry in Painting, March 1960, no. 3 (illustrated in color).
Reproducido en la página 59 del catálogo