biografía de Richard F. WILLIAMS (1908-1995)

Lugar de nacimiento: Buffalo, NY

Lugar de defunción: Crestwood, Yonkers, NY

Direcciones: Buffalo, NY; Crestwood, Yonkers, NY

Profesión: Painter, illustrator

Estudios: Buffalo Sch. FA; Am. Art Sch.; Robert Brackman

Exposiciones: Hudson Valley AA, (Archer Milton Huntington Award); Beaux Arts Exh., (prizes for portraits); New Rochelle AA, 50th anniv., (Grumbacher Award), 1965 (prize); Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Galleries, NJ; Mus. FA, Springfield, MA; Mystic, CT; AAPL; Knickerbocker Artists; Allied Artists Am.

Asociaciones: Hudson Valley AA; Allied Artists Am.

Obra: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Galleries, NJ; Mus. FA, Springfield, MA.

Comentarios: Preferred media: watercolor, oil, pen & ink, gouache. Illustrator: Colliers, Harpers, and other national magazines.

Fuentes: info courtesy of Terry Tunick, Bedford, NY.

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