biografía de Horace KING (1906-?)

Lugar de nacimiento: Pittsfield, OH

Direcciones: Granville, OH

Profesión: Educator, designer, painter, lecturer

Estudios: Ohio State Univ. (A.B., A.M.); Illinois Inst. Tech., and with Felix Payant, James R. Hopkins, Ralph Fanning, H.G. Spencer

Exposiciones: Awards: prize, Hess award, glassware ties., Nat. Glass and China exh., Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 1954.

Asociaciones: AFA; Am. Assn. Univ. Prof.; CAA; Midwest A. Conf.; Ohio Valley Regional A. Conf.

Obra: mural, Admin. Bldg., E. T. Rugg Co., Newark, OH; glass & china exh. rooms, A.H. Heisey & Co.; Santa Fe Bldg., Dallas, Tex.; paintings, Doane Lib., Denison Univ.; St. Luke's Church, Granville, Ohio; Zanesville AI; priv. colls.

Comentarios: Position: chm. dept., prof., Denison Univ., Granville, Ohio. Lectures: Local Greek Revival Houses in Metropolitan Collection," and on contemporary architecture and industrial design.

Fuentes: WW59; WW47."

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