biografía de Archibald John, Jr. MOTLEY (1891-1980)

Lugar de nacimiento: New Orleans, LA

Direcciones: Chicago, IL

Profesión: Painter

Estudios: AIC; France; Karl Buehr; Albert Krehbiel.

Exposiciones: WMAA; Grand Central Art Gal.; Harmon Found., 1928 (gold), 1929, 1931; Newark Mus., 1927 (prize); Guggenheim Fellows Exh., 1931, 1933; AIC, 1925 (Frank Logan medal, Eisendrath prize), 1933-34; Am.-Scandinavian Found., 1931; Smithonian Inst., 1933; TMA, 1934; CGA, 1934; Texas Centennial, 1936; Howard Univ., 1937-38, 1945; BMA, 1939; WFNY, 1939; Am. Negro Expo, Chicago, 1940; LOC, 1940; New Gal., NYC (solo), Atlanta Univ. (solo); Chicago Woman's Club (solo).; Chicago Pub. Lib., 1954 (solo); NY City College, 1967; Chicago Hist. Soc. ,1991 (retrospective, traveled to Studio Mus., High Mus. & Corcoran Gal.) Awards: Guggenheim Fellowship, 1929

Asociaciones: Art Lg. Chicago; Am. Artists Congress.

Obra: Harmon Collection; Howard Univ.; Nat'l Archives; USPO, Wood River, Ill.; North Carolina Mus. Art, Raleigh; Hampton (Va.) Univ. Mus.; Western Illinois Univ. Art Mus., Macomb, Ill; murals, Nichols Sch., Evanston, Ill.; Doolittle Sch., Chicago; State Hosp., Evansville; Pub. Lib., Ryerson Sch., Chicago; Chicago Hist. Soc.

Comentarios: WPA artist. During the early to late 1920s painted genre scenes of African-American life in realistic style, as well as modernist, fantastic compositions with allusions to African tribal rites. In the 1930s he was painting scenes of urban life using stylized forms and a rich, vibrant palette.

Fuentes: WW59; WW47; Driskell, Hidden Heritage, 43, 93 (repros., fig. 23 and fig. 28); catalogue raisonnÈ, Chicago Hist. Soc.; Cederholm, Afro-American Artists.

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