View of the Kuhrhaus in Scheveningen




11 1/6 x 18 7/8 in 28,4 x 47,9 cm

Precio de salida: 2.800 € 2.996 $ 0,0459 ₿ 0,8813 ⧫ 2.362 £ 21.742 ¥ 11.160 ₪ (ILS) 31.555 KR (SEK) 2.669 CHF 4.115 $ CA (2.800 € )
Estimación: 3.000 € 3.211 $ 0,0492 ₿ 0,9443 ⧫ 2.530 £ 23.295 ¥ 11.957 ₪ (ILS) 33.809 KR (SEK) 2.859 CHF 4.409 $ CA - 5.000 € 5.351 $ 0,082 ₿ 1,5738 ⧫ 4.217 £ 38.824 ¥ 19.929 ₪ (ILS) 56.348 KR (SEK) 4.765 CHF 7.349 $ CA (3.000 € - 5.000 € )
Classic To Contemporary Art
Desde 14/06/2024 hasta el 25/06/2024
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Procedencia: Collection E.H. Verhaal, Schiedam - Collection of Mr. and Mr. Poelstra-Nanninga, Vlaardingen - Auction AAG Auctioneers, Amsterdam, 3 juni 2012, lot 52 - Kunsthandel Simonis & Buunk, Ede ( 16407/