biografía de O. Louis GUGLIELMI (1906-1956)

Lugar de nacimiento: Cairo, Egypt

Direcciones: NYC

Profesión: Painter, teacher

Estudios: NAD, 1920-25

Exposiciones: PAFA, 1934, 1939-54 (gold, 1952); WMAA, 1936-46; AIC, 1938, 1943 (prize); CI, 1943-55; Corcoran Gal. biennials, 1943-53; CAM; Walker AC; CPLH; MoMA; Louisiana State Univ., 1953 (retrospective); Downtown Gal., NYC. Awards: Am. Acad. Arts & Sciences, 1946 (grant).

Asociaciones: Am. Artists Congress

Obra: MMA; MoMA; WMAA; NMAA; Walker AC; Newark Mus.; AIC; Santa Barbara Mus. Art

Comentarios: Social Surrealist painter, who came to U.S. with his parents in 1914. His work until c.1933 is usually associated with Precisionism, due to his use of simplified planar forms and his focus on architectural and urban subject matter. After that date, a moodiness and strangeness entered his work, linking him with the metaphysical painter De Chirico and with the Surrealists. Guglielmi's themes were usually expressive of social concerns, be it unemployment, fascism, or poverty, and he became known as the leading exponent of Social Surrealism. He was also a WPA muralist. After 1945, he began addressing more formal issues in his work. Illustrator Fortune, 1946. Teaching: Louisiana State Univ.; New School Social Research, NYC.

Fuentes: WW53; WW47; Baigell, Dictionary; John Baker, O. Louis Guglielmi (exh. cat., Rutgers Univ., 1980); Wechsler, 39; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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