biografía de Cleo HARTWIG (1911-1988)

Lugar de nacimiento: Webberville, MI

Direcciones: NYC

Profesión: Sculptor, teacher

Estudios: Western Michigan Univ. (A.B. & hon. M.A.); Int. School Art, Piseco, NY; stone carving with José de Creeft at New School Soc. Research, 1937; AIC, summers

Exposiciones: NAD, 1938, 1941-45; Clay Club, 1939; Artists for Victory, MMA, 1942; AIC, 1942; Detroit Inst. Art, 1942, 1943 (prize)-45; Clay Club, 1943 (solo), 1947 (solo); Newark Mus., 1944; PAFA, 1945-54, 1958-62; NAWA, 1945, 1946 (prize),1967 (med. of honor); New York Soc. Ceramic Artists, 1945 (prize); Audubon Artists, 1945, 1952 (first prize); CAFA, 1946; Nebraska AA, 1946; NSS, 1946, 1969 (silver med.); NY Soc. Women Artists, 1946; WMAA, 1948-49; Fairmount Park Int. Sculpture Exhib., PMA, 1949; traveling show through Canada, 1949-50 (solo); traveling show in U.S., 1965-66 (solo); Women Artists Am., Newark Mus., 1965.

Asociaciones: S. Indp. A., 1937-38; Clay Club; Audubon Artists (vice pres., sculpture, 1970-73); NY Soc. Ceramic Artists; NY Soc. Women Artists, 1945; Sculptors Guild, 1945 (exec. sec., 1947-54, 1963-65); NSS (council mem., 1967-73; exhib. chmn., 1969-72); NAD, 1971; NAWA (member, sculpture jury, 1972-); AEA (bd. directors, 1983-85)

Obra: Detroit Inst. Arts; Newark (NJ) Mus.; PAFA; Montclair (NJ) Art Mus.; Norfolk (VA) Mus. Arts & Sciences. Commissions: Family Group (aluminum), Facade of Continental Casualties Bldg., NYC, 1952; "Wild Ducks" (terra-cotta), Cabin Class Lounge, S.S. United States, 1952; bronze kneeling figure with dove, All Faiths Mem. Tower, Paramus, NJ, 1963; two sculpture awards, Columbia Univ. Law Sch. Alumni, NYC, 1971.

Comentarios: Direct carver, mostly of animals and human figures. Experimented with abstraction in the 1940s. Preferred media: stone. Teaching: Cooper Union, 1945-46; Lenox Sch., …cole Française, NY; part-time instr. sculpture, Montclair Art Mus., 1945-71. Publications: co-auth., Direct Carving in Stone," National Sculpture Review, summer 1965. Marlor gives her first name as Herta with a middle name of Cleo.

Fuentes: WW73; Enid Bell, "The Compatibles," American Artist Magazine (summer, 1968); Fort, The Figure in American Sculpture, 202 (w/repro.), cites birthdate of 1907; Pisano, One Hundred Years...the National Association of Women Artists, 57 (gives birth date of 1911 and notes that some sources give date as 1901); Marlor, Soc. Indp. Artists; Falk, Exh. Record Series. "

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