biografía de Thomas P. BARNETT (1870-1929)

Lugar de nacimiento: St. Louis, MO

Direcciones: St. Louis, MO

Profesión: Painter, architect

Estudios: Arch., with George I. Barnett; painting, with Paul Cornoyer.

Exposiciones: Louisiana Purchase Expo., St. Louis, 1904 (gold med for arch.); PAFA, 1904, 1912, annuals: 1919-28; Portland Expo., 1905 (bronze med.); St Louis Ar. Gld., 1914 (prize), 1915 (prize), 1917 (prize), 1919 (prize); St. Louis AG, 1918 (prize); St. Louis Art Lg., 1921 (prize), 1926 (prize); AIC, 1922 (prize); St. Louis Chamber Commerce, Ar. Gld. Salon, 1922 (prize), 1925 (prize); CGA, 1923; Salons of Am.; S.Indp.A.

Asociaciones: Chicago AG; NAC; St. Louis AG; SC, 1920; Chicago Gal. A.; Allied AA.

Obra: St. Louis Mus. FA; Capitol, Jefferson City; Cook County Courthouse, Chicago

Fuentes: exh. cat., Missouri Artists (Th. McCormick, 1984)

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