Congratulations to Tarik Kiswanson, winner of the 2023 Marcel Duchamp Prize


Dedicated to the international promotion of the French art scene, the Marcel Duchamp Prize shortlisted four finalists at the beginning of this year: Bertille Back (represented by the Xippas gallery and The Gallery Apart), Bouchra Khalili (represented by the Mor Charpentier gallery and ADN Galeria), Massinissa Selmani (represented by the Anne-Sarah Benichou gallery, Selma Feriani and Jane Lombard) and finally Tarik Kiswanson (represented by the carlier | gebauer and Sfeir-Semler galleries) who has won the prize for this 23rd edition.


Tarik Kiswanson

As Matthieu Jacquet points out in an article for the Pompidou Center in Paris, Tarik Kiswanson was “born in the small town of Halmstad, in Sweden, to Palestinian parents exiled in the 1970s. He has always kept one foot in his native country and the other in the Middle East, where he has gone every year since his birth. Like many second-generation immigrants, the artist was exposed to the imperatives of conformism and integration in the country adopted by his parents but was constantly reminded of his roots by the predominantly white society in which he evolved. He moved from Sweden to Paris 14 years ago.”

Through diverse and transversal practices such as sculpture, writing, performance, drawing, sound and video works, the thirty-year-old addresses the theses of uprooting, belonging, memory but also those of transformation and regeneration in his personal journey as well as the in the history of the contemporary world.

I am a second generation immigrant and my work is largely inspired by notions of displacement and uprooting.” Tarik Kiswanson

Obtaining the Marcel Duchamp Prize is the high point of a year 2023 marked by three solo exhibitions around the world: one at the Museo Tamayo in Mexico, one at the Bonniers Konsthall in Stockholm and another at the Salzburger Kunstverein in Salzburg. In 2022, Tarik Kiswanson’s works were shown at the Lyon Biennale, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp (Belgium) and at the Hallands Konstmuseum (Sweden). In 2021 he had an exhibition at the Carré d’Art – Museum of Contemporary Art in Nîmes in 2021, and in 2019 he participated in New York’s Performa 19 Biennale.

Tarik Kiswanson graduated from Central Saint Martins, London (2010) and the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts in Paris (2014). The most recent winners of the Marcel Duchamp Prize were Mimosa Echard (2022), Lili Reynaud Dewar (2021) and Kapwani Kiwanga (2020).

Tarik Kiswanson © Julie Ansiau

The ADIAF and the Marcel Duchamp Prize

Founded by Gilles Fuchs and chaired since 2021 by Claude Bonnin, the ADIAF (Association for the International Diffusion of French Art) brings together 300 collectors of Contemporary French art. Supported by patrons, including Artprice, the ADIAF highlights the French scene and contributes to its international influence.

The Marcel Duchamp Prize hands out a total of 90,000 euros, including 35,000 euros to the winner who also benefits from a residency in the United States at the Villa Albertine. Organized in collaboration with the Pompidou Center, the ADIAF offers an exhibition of the four finalists at the Pompidou Center as part of the Marcel Duchamp Prize. The exhibition currently dedicated to Bertille Bak, Bouchra Khalili, Massinissa Selmani and Tarik Kiswanson can be discovered on the fourth floor of the Parisian museum until 8 January 2024.

According to Xavier Rey, Director of the National Museum of Modern Art, this “exhibition represents, thanks to the excellence of the four finalists, the best of the French artistic scene. With Tarik Kiswanson we honor an extremely accomplished multidisciplinary work, both in its formal dimension and in its relationship to history. Based on the energetic relationships between various elements, his works aim, with great sensitivity, to convey a universal message.

For this 23rd edition of the Marcel Duchamp Prize, the jury consisted of seven key figures from the art world: Xavier Rey, Director of the National Museum of Modern Art – Pompidou Center, Claude Bonnin, Collector and President of Adiaf, Akemi Shiraha, Representative of the Marcel Duchamp Association, Dr. Jimena Blazquez Abascal, Collector and Director of the Montenmedio Contemporary Foundation (Spain), Josée Gensollen, Collector, Collection Gensollen La Fabrique (Marseille), Béatrice Salmon, Director of the National Center for Plastic Arts (CNAP) and Adam D. Weinberg, Director of the Whitney Museum of American Art, in New York.

Past winners of the Marcel Duchamp Prize

Thomas Hirschhorn (2000-2001)

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (2002)

Matthew Mercier (2003)

Carole Benzaken (2004)

Claude Closky (2005)

Philippe Mayaux (2006)

Tatiana Trouvé (2007)

Laurent Grasso (2008)

Saâdane Afif (2009)

Cyprien Gaillard (2010)

Mircea Cantor (2011)

Daniel Dewar and Grégory Gicquel (2012)

Latifa Echakhch (2013)

Julien Prévieux (2014)

Melik Ohanian (2015)

Kader Attia (2016)

Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige (2017)

Clément Cogitore (2018)

Eric Baudelaire (2019)

Kapwani Kiwanga (2020)

Lili Reynaud Dewar (2021)

Mimosa Echard (2022)

Tarik Kiswanson (2023)

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