Técnica mixta
Tipo de obra
Obra original
Certificado emitido por
Maison d-Art (Art Historian)
inferior derecho
Medidas sin marco
76,5 x 57 cm(30,12 x 22,44 in)
Medidas con marco
88,5 x 70 cm(34,84 x 27,56 in)
Factura emitida por
Maison d-Art
Descripción de la obra

Mixed technique of Gouache & Gold leaf applied in thickness on a thick Arches “Aquarelle” type paper titled, dated & signed on the the bottom part. Provenance : French private collection of Jean-Claude Brialy famous actor (1933-2007). Krivoš is associated with the founding and activities of Mikuláš Galanda's group, with its historical merit in rejecting socialist realism and in restoring the tradition of Slovak modern art. He is a fundamental figuralist. Already during his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts (1951-1956) at the Department of Figurative Art under prof. Ján Mudroch, he was interested in solving figural composition. “For their professional quality, authentic testimony and open attitude to a man and the world, the works by the artist Rudolf Krivoš (1933) became an integral part of the Slovak fine arts of the second half of the 20th century”. Klara Kubikova 1998.

Value 8 000 €


The Orthodox Priest(2001)

Anuncio nro.2053337
5950 €(6638 US$)
Vendedor Profesional
Vendedor desde false