Tipo de obra
Obra original (Original Edition of 8)
Certificado emitido por
Mickael Marciano
inferior derecho
Medidas sin marco
138 x 55 x 41 cm(54,33 x 21,65 x 16,14 in)
Factura emitida por
Mickael Marciano
Descripción de la obra

Born in Nice in 1928, Arman was the son of an antiques dealer and amateur cellist. In addition to drawing and painting, the artist absorbed an intense appreciation for music. After the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs in Nice, he went to Paris to study Art History at the Ecole du Louvre. More consequential yet was his signing, in 1960, of the manifesto of the “Nouveau Réalisme” (New Realism) movement. With fellow artists Klein, Martial Raysse and Jean Tinguely, among others they asserted the document: “New Realism equals new ways of perceiving the real”. Therefore, Arman set out on a new course, in which he would re-examine the artistic possibilities of everyday objects. He could elevate the banal to the aesthetic, and refuse into art.


Sliced figure with cello(2004)

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