Pintura al agua
Tipo de obra
Obra original
Certificado emitido por
Nicolas Descharnes, 2021
superior izquierdo
Medidas sin marco
27 x 18 cm(10,63 x 7,09 in)
Medidas con marco
52 x 36 cm(20,47 x 14,17 in)
Descripción de la obra

Le Tricorne (The Three-Cornered Hat) is a charminghumorous story about amorous exploits and mistaken identity set in late eighteenth century Spain. These gouaches are the original paintings used to complete the print set “Le Tricorne '' Portfolio (1958), based on the writings of Pedro de Alaron, text by Pedro de Alarcon. Published by Editions du Rocher, Nouveau Cercle Parisian du Livre, Paris. Each of these works were recently examined in-person by Nicolas Descharnes, the world authority on Dali's works, and will be accompanied by his original certification. 

Salvador DALI

Original work Le Tricorne #6(1952)

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