Dibujo Acuarela
Técnica mixta/papel
Tipo de obra
Obra original
Certificado emitido por
Pancho Quilici
Medidas sin marco
34,5 x 60 x 7 cm(13,58 x 23,62 x 2,76 in)
Factura emitida por
Galerie Wagner
Descripción de la obra

"Pancho Quilici is the painter-poet of our world. From the faintest atom to the vastest expansion, he maps the invisible. From the infinitesimal to the immense. A microscopy of the imperceptible. These journeys are not without humans. They are in their very heart, in their wandering matter, in their shapeless suffering and intense creations. Each line is a flickering soul or a wave in trance, each form a cluster of elementary particles and fertilized cells, each movement a molten energy. Perhaps the atom is composed of the universal being; they both sit, side by side or one from the other, in the wholeness of his work."
Estelle Ditta, 2018.

Acrylique et acétate sur papier entoilé


Influence des liens(2018)

Anuncio nro.2387137
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