Dibujo Acuarela
Tipo de obra
Obra original
inferior derecho
Medidas sin marco
45 x 30 cm(17,72 x 11,81 in)
Descripción de la obra

Born on the isle of Arran in 1858, James Kay is known for his dynamic and energetic industrial seascapes. In his early years he worked in Glasgow where he shared a studio with David Gauld and Stuart Park. Although not considered a Glasgow Boy, he remained a close associate of those artists throughout his career. Similarly to his contemporaries, Kay worked and lived in Paris where he absorbed the mood and vitality of the French Impressionists. He was also greatly influenced by The Hague School, which manifests in his realist manner and the use of dark and grey tones. In 1894 Kay first exhibited in the Paris Salon and also achieved some popularity in Holland with his coastal paintings and townscapes. Kay was an enthusiastic traveller and drew inspiration from his extensive travels, however the sea remained his foremost fascination. Rather than romanticising the sea Kay depicts the honest atmosphere of the bustling industrial city.

James KAY

Cathedral Interior, France

Anuncio nro.2700569
2500 GBP(3301 US$)
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