Tipo de obra
Obra original (Unique)
Medidas sin marco
12 x 12 x 3 in(30,48 x 30,48 x 7,62 cm)
Descripción de la obra

Requiem is an installation of seven paper scrolls memorializing the American soldiers killed in the conflict in Iraq. Six of the scrolls have been inscribed by the artist with the soldiers' names in black ink while the seventh remains blank as if waiting to be filled. A stone sits at the rolled end of each scroll, while a metal plumb bob suspended on a black cord hovers above. A plumb bob always hangs perpendicular to a tangent of the earth’s core, and this constancy is for the artist a symbol of truth, rectitude, and moral character. The hand-written inscriptions of the names, together with the overwhelming size of the work and the almost sacred aura of the scrolls, is a consecration of respect for the individuals whose lives were lost.

Harriet BART


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