Dibujo Acuarela
Tipo de obra
Obra original
Certificado emitido por
Dietrich Moravec
inferior izquierdo
Medidas sin marco
30 x 40 x 0,1 cm(11,81 x 15,75 x 0,04 in)
Factura emitida por
Dietrich Moravec
Descripción de la obra

Three plums with a leaf and stem, covered with waterdrops, on a dark
background. Many people admire water drops in paintings and wonder how
the artist got them. But once you understand how to do it correctly,
it's not that difficult anymore.
Pastel on Pastelmat.
Shipping via  DHL, packed in a transparent sleeve between two layers of lightweight
foam board and in a cardboard box. Instructions for proper framing included.

Dietrich MORAVEC

Plums and Leaf(2023)

Anuncio nro.2755010
390 €(420 US$)
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