Carlo VANCHIERI - Tictac

Artista La evolución de Carlo VANCHIERI / Todas las obras en el Marketplace
Tipo de obra Obra original
Título Tictac
Año 2006
Categoría Pintura
Técnica Oleo/lienzo
Firmada inferior derecho
Medidas sin marco
23,62 x 19,69 in
60 x 50 x 2 cm
Medidas con marco
24,41 x 20,47 x 1,18 in
62 x 52 x 3 cm
Certificado emitido por Vanchieri Carlo
Factura No
Estado buen/bueno

This painting aims to clarify internal watch mechanics and their movements, referring to the harmony of ticking of time lapsing. It's just like this ticking becomes music: it's been inspired by " What you waiting for " song, by Gwen Stefani. Painting technique consists of deep and far long procedures, because first decided to went with background colors, dabbing tissue paper to force some folds; then, been waiting a couple of weeks for it to dry and finally managed to apply (tighter than possible) tissue paper masks through the glue process, using a light wet sponge. When completely dry, finally painted the two-tones masks themselves: mustard and black. Most important thing to look at, is the little overhanging toward the background while painting the mask, this is what still makes it an " oil ".
P.s. frame consists of natural wood strips.

Lote n° 2788657
Estatus del vendedor Particular
País ITALY (Bagheria)
Gastos Gastos de envío a cargo del comprador
Gastos de envío 40
Seguro No
Número de paquetes 1
Peso 5.0 Kg
Precio inicial
2.950 €
2.950 € (3.158 $)
2.950 € (2.491 £)
2.950 € (22.937 ¥)
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