Técnica mixta
Tipo de obra
Obra original
Certificado emitido por
Medidas sin marco
152 x 102 x 2,5 cm(59,84 x 40,16 x 0,98 in)
Factura emitida por
Descripción de la obra

Riccardo Gusmaroli was born in Verona in 1963.

The artwork that we offer you is a stupendous composition of swirls with paper boats and a reproduction of Italy on gold leaf on Ecru colored canvas.
As shown in the photo, he also appears in an episode of his television program.
His stroke explodes in chromatic signs with irony and elegant lightness offering a fantastic vision of reality; the Sperone Gallery in New York and the Raffaelli Studio in Trento will host it in 1993 and 94 for two collective exhibitions.
In the year 2000 he inaugurates a fertile exhibition season, the Galleria Forni in Bologna, the Studio Simonis in Paris, but also in public spaces such as Viafarini in Milan with the other artists Accardi and De Maria.

Exhibited from 31 May 2022 to 31 July 2022 at "AB – Il Lusso della Semplicità (AB – The Luxury of Simplicity)" in Milan, from 3 September 2022 to 28 October 2022 at "AB – Il Lusso della Semplicità (AB – The Luxury of Simplicity)" in Venice.


Italia Ecru (Ecru Italy)(2022)

Anuncio nro.2808412
12.000 €(13.348 US$)
Vendedor Profesional
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