Dibujo Acuarela
Tipo de obra
Obra original
Certificado emitido por
Sammlung Pabst
inferior derecho
Medidas sin marco
44,6 x 63,4 cm(17,56 x 24,96 in)
Descripción de la obra

Klien is the best-known representative of Viennese Kineticism, an avant-garde movement of the early 1920s. The work is part of a very important series of works done for a theatre play of Klien herself for a puppet theatre. The works from the 20s are very rare on the market, since most of these works were kept by the Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule, where Klien was studying.. Literature reference: Exhibition catalogue "Erika Giovannia Klien" Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst, Munich 1999-2000, page 30, fig. 9. Provenance: Estate of sister Bertha Klien, Galerie Michael Pabst - Munich, private collection Price upon request!

Erika Giovanna KLIEN

Bewegungs-Theater Auto(1926)

Anuncio nro.2823149
125.000 €(139.455 US$)
Vendedor Particular
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